Université de Bamenda, 16 février 2018, restaurant de 3000 places (le plus du Cameroun), 7000 étudiants en liesse accueillent les ordinateurs portables du Président Paul BIYA. 300 PBhev, nouvelle génération sont distribués par le Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur, en présence du Gouverneur Adolphe Lele Lafrique, du préfet de la Mezam, du

maire de Tubah. Le Professeur Jacques FAME NDONGO, très acclamé, recevra un cadeau spécial des étudiants, une chaise traditionnelle, acte de déférence à sa majesté qu’il incarne. C’est le 6e périple après Dschang ce jour où 3000 étudiants, encadrés par le Recteur Tsafack Nanfosso Roger, ont réceptionné les ordinateurs du Président à l’amphithéâtre 1000.

Lundi 19 février 2018, le Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur repartira à Dschang pour présider la réunion des recteurs d’Afrique francophone. La 5e vague des ordinateurs arrivera par bateau, en début mai. Elle sera acheminée dans les Universités de Ngaoundéré et de Maroua. La construction des 9 centres du numérique annoncée.



FEBRUARY 16, 2018

  • The Governor of the North West Region;
  • The Pro-Chancellor of the University of Bamenda
  • The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bamenda;
  • The Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam Division;
  • The Divisional Officer of Tubah;
  • The Lord Mayor of Tubah;
  • Representatives of Private Higher Education Institutes;
  • Members of Parliament;
  • My collaborators from the Ministry of Higher Education, members of my delegation;
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellors;
  • The Registrar;
  • Deans and Directors;
  • Traditional and religious authorities
  • Teaching staff of the University of Bamenda, in your respective grades;
  • Support staff of the University of Bamenda;
  • Dear choristers;
  • Members of Press organs;
  • Dear students; distinguished invitees, ladies and gentlemen.

What a pleasure it is for me to be here today among students of the University of Bamenda, the University of the Future to fulfil a noble obligation, that of presenting your share of His Excellency Paul BIYA's Presidential donation of five hundred thousand computers to Cameroon public and private Higher Education students. Dear Students of this prestigious University, as you receive this gift from the Head of State of our dear and beloved country, Cameroon, a project that is closely supervised by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, I will like you to remember the Head of State's message to you on the tenth of February two thousand and eighteen (I quote) "from this year on, our universities will be connected to the global university cyberspace" (end of quote). He has given you the best technological equipment it takes to be part of this "global university cyberspace". In fact, your computers are loaded with a perfect operating system (Intel Atom processor, windows ten (10) and Office three hundred and sixty five (365)). This is the latest technology you can find. Congratulations to all of you!!

This didactic tool from the Head of State is intended to help you to:

  • get connected to the "global higher education cyberspace";
  • work comfortably online and consult academic documents everywhere in the world;
  • do collaborative work via the intranet system;
  • produce academic documents and write your research work;
  • do data analysis using the excel manager, and much more;

In fact, a promise made is a promise kept! Dear students, because, "the Head of State says what he does and does what he says", he has kept his promise to you.

While I take this opportunity to congratulate all of you for benefiting from this Presidential donation, I advise that you make good use of this didactic tool to be part of the digital university revolution that is on-going in Cameroon higher system and to "be patriotic internet users working for Cameroon's development".

  • Long live public and private Higher Education Institutions;
  • Long live the Higher Education System,
  • Long live the Republic of Cameroon and its illustrious leader, His Excellency Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State and apostle of the New University Governance Policy.

Thank you for your kind attention
May God Bless all of us.